When you create a transaction and add one or more recipients, you can set additional options for each individual signer. By clicking on the three dots you can set the options for the recipient.
If you click on "update Recipient" you will enter the screen below.
Under "Authentication" you can choose to add an extra authentication method. By default, an email is always sent for signature. In addition, there is the option to send an extra SMS code or to apply Q&A.
During the SMS verification, a code is sent to the recipient's mobile number. The recipient must enter this code to sign. The SMS functionality is only available when an SMS bundle has been purchased.
Q&A stands for Q&A, where at least one Q&A is required to participate. Q&A allows you to ask questions to the signer; in this case those are 'shared secrets'. You can formulate questions based on information you already have about your customer, such as the last four digits of his/her Social Security number or an ID number. If the signer provides the correct answer, it will be verified as the correct recipient of the transaction. This Q&A function is ideal when sending an insurance claim or an electronic transfer, for example.
Do you have questions about setting up additional authentication? Please contact us. This can be done via support@validsign.eu or 085 303 36 76.