Settings for a transaction
When you have created a transaction, you can add additional settings to that transaction by pressing the settings button.
A menu will then open on the right containing various settings for your transaction.
Transaction name
Here you can further customize the name of the transaction.
Displays the status of a transaction. A transaction that has been created but not yet sent will have the status "draft".
A description is optional and is not visible to recipients. You will also see the cogwheel "Settings" at the bottom. Here you can select additional settings.
Message to all recipients
You can choose to add a message that all recipients will receive. They will find this in the e-mail they receive after you have sent your document(s) for signature.
Expiration date
Here you can specify an expiration date for the transaction. When the expiry date has been reached, it is placed in the 'draft phase' and is therefore no longer active. The link that signers receive in their email to be redirected to the document will therefore no longer work. If you want to reactivate that transaction, you can adjust the expiry date to a later moment and resend the transaction.
If you give an expiry date to the transaction, a reminder is automatically sent 4 days before this date to all participants of the transaction who still have to sign.
You can also indicate after how many days the transaction has expired. You do not have to enter a specific date, but you can enter 15 for example. The transaction will then expire 15 days after sending.
The language settings of a transaction determine in which language the emails surrounding the transaction are sent and in which language the menus are displayed during the signing process.
Reminder schedule
In a reminder schedule, you can set when reminder emails are sent to recipients who have not yet completed the signing process. Here you can configure when the first reminder email should be sent.
The time zone
Here you can set which time is used when generating the Evidence summary.
Review Before Completion
This feature allows you to review the transaction before it is marked as completed. This can be useful when you ask a signer to upload a document as part of a transaction. Think, for example, of uploading an identity document. You can then reject the uploaded document and request a new upload before the transaction is completed.
Sign face to face
You can set this function when you are in the presence of the recipient(s) and you want to sign in quick succession on one screen. When the first recipient has signed, the second recipient will be prompted to sign on that screen. This can be useful in the case of a meeting where several people have to sign immediately.
Settings for an individual signer
When you create a transaction and you add one or more recipients, you can set additional options for each individual signer. Think of adding an extra authentication method or adding a text and/or attachment. Behind each receiver is a gear that you can click to go to the settings of that receiver.
If you click on the gear, a menu will appear on the right side of the screen.
Here you will find the first name and last name of the relevant recipient.
Here you can choose to add an extra authentication method. An email is always sent by default for signature. In addition, there is the possibility to send an extra SMS code or to apply Q&A. During the SMS verification, a code is sent to the recipient's mobile number. The recipient will have to enter this code in order to sign. The SMS functionality is only available when an SMS bundle has been purchased.
Q&A stands for Q&A, where at least one Q&A is required to enter. Q&A allows you to submit questions to the signatory; in this case those are 'shared secrets'. You can formulate questions based on information you already have about your customer, such as the last four digits of his/her Social Security number or an ID number. If the signer provides the correct answer, it will be verified as the correct recipient of the transaction. This Q&A function is ideal when sending an insurance claim or an electronic transfer, for example. Single sign-on (SSO) requires someone to log in through your organization's network.
method Under "Signing method" you can choose to apply an external authentication method. An example of an external authentication is iDIN. ValidSign also offers support for BankID, DigiD and eHerkenning. To be able to use one of these forms of external authentication, your organization must purchase this as an additional service from ValidSign.
To have a signer put a qualified signature, you can choose the option Personal Certificate Signing or Qualified Cloud Signing. This obliges the signer to sign the digital signature with a personal certificate. It is essential that the signatory has access to this.
You can choose to have the signer upload an additional file before signing the document can be completed.
You can make uploading mandatory by checking the "Required" button. The signatory is then obliged to upload an attachment, for example a scan of an ID card. The sender can then accept or decline this attachment with any additional comments. If this feature is not checked as "Required", the signer is not required to attach a document. The sender cannot refuse it.
Would you like to see the copy ID/attachment before the transaction is completed? You can set this. How, you can read that here.
Under advanced you can add a personal message for the recipient. The recipient will then see this instead of the message that is intended for all recipients.
In addition, you can give the recipient the option to forward the transaction to someone else, for example a colleague who is authorized to sign. You can set this by clicking the "Change signer" button. You can also choose to send the signed document(s) as an e-mail attachment. You can set this by clicking the "Document(s) as an e-mail attachment" button. Instead of an email with a link to the signed documents, the recipient will receive an email with the signed documents in the attachment.
Do you have any questions about one of the settings above? Please contact us. This can be done via of 085 303 36 76.