After logging in via you arrive at your dashboard:
At the top you will see the various tabs that you can navigate between ("Transactions", "Templates", "Reports"). The 'Reports' tab is only available for administrator accounts.
In the dashboard you can choose between the signer and sender view. The signer view indicates how many transactions you still have to sign yourself. The sender view provides more information about the transactions you have sent yourself.
The dashboard shows statistics about your transactions from the last 30 days. You can see at a glance which transactions are still open ("Pending"). You can learn how to easily send reminders for a signature here. You can also navigate to all transactions that still require your signature ("My signature required"). Your last five transactions are also shown.
You can also start a new transaction from the dashboard. At the bottom left you can choose the transaction name and add documents. Then click on "Start a new transaction".
You can set a different language for the environment via the globe at the top right. Via the icon to the left of this you have the option to choose a different theme. Via the 'organogram icon' you can switch between your sub accounts. Click on your name to manage your account settings.
Do you have questions about the ValidSign dashboard? Contact us. This can be done via or 085 303 36 76.