It is possible to save your signature in your account. If you do this, and you are invited to put a capture signature in a ValidSign transaction, you can insert the saved signature with one click.
Below is a description of how you can set this signature. On your dashboard in ValidSign, choose "My account" in the menu at the top right.
There are two different ways to add your signature. Capture your signature and upload your signature.
Capture your signature
If you are not happy with your signature, you can use the delete button to try again. The save button saves the entered signature.
Upload your signature

By adjusting the contrast values you can determine the thickness of the lines of your signature yourself. When you are satisfied you can click on save to save the signature in your account.
Do you have questions about saving a signature in your own account? Please contact us. This can be done via or 085 303 36 76.