When you are going to sign a transaction with ValidSign, you will end up at the ValidSign signing ceremony. In this screen you can see all the documents that have been added in the transaction. All your requirements will be made known in the signing screen. This ensures that you do not forget any actions. You can also perform other actions in the signing screen.
At the top right of the screen you can click on 'More Actions'. If the sender of the transaction allows this, you can forward the signature to someone else via this screen. You can read how to do this here. You can also refuse the transaction via this screen. More information about refusing a transaction can be found here.
The ValidSign signing screen looks like this:
The 'Next' button will automatically direct you to the required action. This can be, for example, a signature. It is also possible that you only have to accept a document. When you have completed the first action, you are automatically directed to the next action. After you have signed all documents, you will receive the message below.
You can choose to check the documents. You will then remain in the ValidSign signing ceremony, here you can view the documents again. You can also choose to download the signed documents directly. You do this by clicking on 'Download documents'. You will also receive an email after the transaction has been completed. This email contains a link where you can download the signed documents.
Do you have questions about the ValidSign signing screen? Please contact us. This can be done via support@validsign.eu or 085 303 36 76.