In your ValidSign dashboard you can navigate to pending transactions. In a pending transaction, not all recipients have yet signed. This transaction will look like this in your dashboard:
On this screen, you can perform various actions. At the top right of the screen you will see five different icons. You can send a reminder via the leftmost icon. All signatories of this transaction will then receive a reminder.
You can download the documents via the icon with the arrow down. If signatures have already been made, they will be visible on the document. You can already see these signatures even though the transaction is not yet completed.
You can download the evidence overview at any time via the check mark icon. Here you can see whether one or more signers have already viewed the documents.
You can still edit a pending transaction via the pencil. Learn more about what changes you can make to a pending trade here.
You can delete the transaction through the trash. Please note that the signatories will no longer have access to this transaction. Read more about deleting a transaction here.
Then you can scroll down in this screen for more information. You can send a reminder via the envelope behind the signatories. This one goes to one person. You can click on this several times, the signer will receive several reminders.
You can see what this signer has to do via the arrow behind the signer. It displays what action the signer must take. The document on which this must be done is also stated.
Finally, you can view a preview of the document via the eye behind the document name.
Do you have questions about the different options for a pending transaction? Contact us. This can be done via or 085 303 36 76