Enterprise Administration
With the Enterprise Administration functionality, you as the owner of an environment have the option to manage multiple ValidSign environments and groups of users from one central account. There are two functionalities that enable this sub-environments and custom roles.
Several sub-environments can be placed under a ValidSign main environment. Sub-environments can be created up to three levels deep. This makes it possible to create its own ValidSign environment with separate settings for each department or branch within an organization. All these sub-environments fall under the main environment and can therefore also be centrally managed. More information about subenvironments can be found in the following article.
Custom roles
It is possible to create custom roles with a specific combination of privileges. For each sub-environment, you can choose to make a custom role available and assign it to users. In addition, there are of course also the standard roles Administrator, Admin and Sender. More information about custom roles and the privileges of the default roles can be found in the following article
For more information, please contact the ValidSign Support Team via support@validsign.eu or 085 303 36 76.