It is possible that you have sent a transaction and see that you have made a mistake. It is not always necessary to recreate the entire transaction. There are several options you can apply to a pending transaction. When you edit a transaction, a signer cannot reach the transaction. The signing screen is locked when you are editing the transaction.
From your dashboard, you can click on "Pending". Here you can see all open transactions. You can edit the transaction via the pencil icon at the top right of the screen.
Delete a document.
You can remove a document from a transaction after it has been sent. You can then resend this transaction. The signer will receive a new email. The deleted document is no longer visible when the link in the email is clicked. You can also delete a document that has already been signed by a signer.
Add additional document.
Have you forgotten a document in a transaction? You can attach a document to a pending transaction. You can also place a signature field on this document if no signatures have been placed yet. If a document has already been signed, you can only add a document to a transaction as an attachment. You cannot request any action on this added document.
Change signer.
If you have made a mistake with one of the signatories, you can still correct it. You can still change the name or e-mail address after you have sent this transaction. It doesn't matter if the document is already signed. You can make changes to a signer in a pending transaction at any time.
Add signer.
It is possible that you have forgotten a signer. You can still add this after you have sent the transaction. If no signatures have been made yet, you can also ask the new signer for a signature. If signatures have already been made, the added signer can only receive the signed documents. You cannot place a signature field for this new signer.
Change or add signing order.
If you have forgotten to determine the signing order, you can add this after the transaction has been sent. The signatories did receive an email when the transaction was sent. When you add this later and the signer clicks on the link in the email, he/she will receive an error message.
Change transaction settings.
You can change the settings of a pending transaction at any time. It concerns the following settings that you can still add, remove or change.
- Expiration date
- Automatic email reminders
- Revised for Completion
Change signer settings.
If a signer has not yet signed, you can still make adjustments in the settings for this signer. It concerns the following settings that you can still add, remove or change.
- Authentication
- Signing method (e.g. Personal Certificate)
- Personal message
- Continue signing
- Document as e-mail attachment.
Have questions about editing a pending transaction? Contact us. This can be done via or 085 303 36 76.