When you create an organization in ValidSign4Accountancy, you also indicate who the contact person is within this organization. It is also possible to add an extra contact person later. You can read how to do this in this article.
When you are logged in to www.v4a.validsign.nl, click on the 'Organizations' heading in the top bar.
You will see an overview of all your organizations. To the right of these organizations, you will see three dots. Click here to see more information about the organization.
You will now see more information about this organization. You can view all transactions of the organization or edit settings of the organization. Furthermore, you will also see the heading 'Persons' in the column on the left. Click here to see the contacts within this organization.
When you click on the 'Persons' heading, you will see an overview of the contacts of this organization. You can see this overview in the image below.
You can edit the existing contacts via the three dots on the right. This way you can change the name and phone number. It is also possible to add a new contact person. To do this, click on 'Create New Person'.
When you click on 'Create New Person', you will arrive in the screen above. You can enter the relevant information about the contact person here. Then click on 'Create', the new contact person has been created.
Do you have any questions about creating a new contact person within an organization? Please contact the ValidSign Support Team. They can be reached via support@validsign.nl or 085 303 36 76.