When you create a new transaction, you will see a timeline in the transaction overview. This timeline describes the status which a transaction has reached. In this article, you will find an explanation about this timeline of the transaction.
After you have started a new transaction, you will arrive at the "overview screen" of this transaction. At the top of this overview, you see the timeline. This is shown below.
Each phase of the transaction that has been included in the transaction is currently greyed out. This means that none of these next phases has been reached yet. So the transaction has yet to start.
Have you initiated the transaction? Then the icons will change color. You can see this in the image above. The transaction has now started, so the first icon has changed from gray to green. This phase has passed. It is now the turn of the first signer. This icon has turned blue. The signing process has reached this stage.
When the first signer has signed the document, you will also see this reflected in the display. The color of the icon changes again. You will see that the first signer has signed the document. The icon has turned green. The second icon is blue now. It's the next signer's turn.
When you move the cursor over an icon, a message appears. This message explains what the next step in the transaction is.
When the last signer has also signed the document, the last two icons will also change color. All steps have now been completed, the transaction is completed.
Do you have any questions about the different statuses of a transaction? Please contact the ValidSign Support Team. This can be done via support@validsign.nl or 085 303 36 76