ValidSign has set up standard workflows for ValidSign4Accountancy. You can learn more about these different workflows in this article. ValidSign has several workflows ready in your account. These are common processes within accountancy. It concerns the following workflows:
Sales tax
Sales tax supplementation
Publication piece
Pension funds (DNB)
ValidSign has already determined the settings within these workflows. The settings of the sales tax workflow can be seen in the images below:
You can adjust the default settings within a workflow yourself. You can change the internal signer. Furthermore, you can also customize the customer's action. When you choose to inform, the customer only has to accept the document, he or she does not have to sign the document. You can also determine within a workflow whether the document should be deposited.
If you have different settings per customer for a certain workflow, you can create multiple workflows. Examples of these different workflows can be: "Turnover tax" & "Turnover tax + publishing Digipoort". More information about creating a new workflow can be found here.
Do you have questions about the different workflows within ValidSign4Accountancy? Please contact the ValidSign Support team. They can be reached via or via 085 303 3676.