Within ValidSign it is possible to format the signing fields for your digital document via so-called “text tags”. ValidSign recognizes these fields, so the desired fields are automatically placed in the right place within the document.
How does a text-tag work?
A text tag is a kind of shortcut within your document. When drafting your document, you can already process the text tags at the desired location within your document. ValidSign recognizes this shortcut, and ensures that the desired fields are automatically placed in the right place when creating a transaction.
An example of the text tag can be found below:
Within the tag, the “:” is used to distinguish between the different parameters.
The tag is divided into several parts:

Within the ValidSign transaction, the above text tag is converted as follows:

Which tags are there?
ValidSign has several text tags that can be used within the documents. Below we describe for each type of parameter which options can be used.
Different types of signatures are supported within ValidSign. The signatures below can be used in the text tag.

Automatische velden
ValidSign kan automatisch de bekende gegevens van de ondertekenaar vastleggen in het document. De onderstaande velden worden automatisch door ValidSign ingevoerd.

Free fields
In addition to the automatic fields, ValidSign also supports free fields that can be stored within the document. This includes selection lists, text fields, radio buttons and labels. The table below describes the options for the free fields.

Positioning & formats
With the shortcuts that can be added in the documents, parameters can be given for formats and standard values. Below we have described the possible options.

Assign multiple parameters to a text tag
It can be useful to add multiple parameters to a text tag. The text tag parameters come last and are separated by a comma. Below is the structure of this display:
{{esl: Signer1: [QUICK COUPLING]: [PARAMETER1], [PARAMETER2], [ETC.]}}
{{esl: Signer1: Radio: group ("2"), size (20,20)}}
{{esl: Signer1: list: options ("option 1", "option 2", "option 3"), size (400,20)}}
{{esl: Signer1: TextField: value ("Enter address here"), size (300.20)}}
Require fields
Requiring fields in a transaction can be done by using an asterisk ("*"). It should be applied as follows to require a field:
{{* esl: Signer1: TextField: size (200,20)}}
Signature fields are by definition required and therefore do not need an asterisk.
Text-Tag Possibility |
Name |
{{esl:Signer1:SignerName:size(200,20)}} |
Signer Company |
{{esl:Signer1:SignerCompany:size(200,20)}} |
Signer Title |
{{esl:Signer1:SignerTitle:size(200,20)}} |
Signing Date |
{{esl:Signer1:SigningDate:size(200,20)}} |
Signature Click |
{{esl:Signer1:signature:size(200,50)}} |
Signature Graphic |
{{esl:Signer1:capture:size(200,50)}} |
Initials |
{{esl:Signer1:initials:size(200,50)}} |
Text Box Required |
{{*esl_Tekstvak:Signer1:TextArea:size(200,50)}} |
Text Field |
{{esl_Tekstveld:Signer1:TextField:size(200,20)}} |
Text Field (Max 10) |
{{esl:Signer1:TextField:size(200,50),Maxlen(10)}} |
List |
{{esl_Keuzelijst:Signer1:list:options("optie 1","optie 2","optie 3"),size(200,20)}} |
Radio Yes |
{{esl:Signer1:Radio:group("1"),size(20,20)}} |
Radio No |
{{esl:Signer1:Radio:group("1"),size(20,20)}} |
Checkbox Yes |
{{esl_Voorwaarden:Signer1:Checkbox:size(20,20)}} |
Label |
{{esl_Contractnummer:Signer1:Label:value("PO-243566"),size(200,20)}} |
Below are examples of which text tags can be used.

Use of quotes
The quotes (“) you use in Word are not recognized and will result in an error message when uploading a document to ValidSign. It is therefore advisable to first create a text tag in notepad and then paste it in the word document. The difference is subtle and therefore not very noticeable when you create the text tag. Below is the difference display:
"Quotation Marks Word", "Quotation Mark Notepad"
Use of placeholders
When you add yourself as the signer of the transaction, the placeholder changes from "Signer1" to "Owner", the second signer is recognized as "Signer1", the third signer is recognized as "Signer2", etc.
It is therefore useful to determine in advance whether the person who creates the transaction is also a signatory of the transaction or not. If the person who created the transaction is not a signatory of the transaction, the first signer is simply recognized as "Signer1", the second signer as "Signer2", etc.
Display of fields
The display of fields in a document depends on the format of the text tag. Properly aligning the fields in a document therefore requires some testing. Tips:
To reduce the font size when using radios or checkboxes:

- Het lettertype verkleinen bij meerdere velden naast elkaar: